Director - Sheila Dvorak DP - Jay Galione Video Edit, VFX, Audio Post - Peter Darmi … [Read more...]
Social Media at work
After a sleepy start to the summer Peter and Jay suddenly have a full docket with five E-Learning programs for Enterprise Media, about the use (or hilarious misuse!) of social media in workplace situations. The take-away is: Don't put anything on social media that you wouldn't want displayed on the Times Square Jumbotron! … [Read more...]
Welcome Jay Galione!
The forkandles Media family warmly welcomes Jay Galione into our fold. Jay brings multiple talents to the table as DP, video editor, and musician. Check out his impressive bio on our "About Page" Go Jay! … [Read more...]
Hard core!
OMG, these dudes and dudess' (is there such a word?) are sofa-king hard core! Corey and Jay Gallione shot & edited another promo for the New York State Mt. Bike Series. Peter did the audio post work and the visual FX, and viola, we have another promo for the NYS Mt. Biking Series which runs throughout the summer. … [Read more...]