Edit and Post Mix Peter Darmi C. Lawrence - DP … [Read more...]
Perfect Match for Good Deeds
http://youtu.be/rbnhPnA1pDo?rel=0&autoplay=1 Video Production The entire Hello Joe Media crew pitched in on this PSA for Ulster Corps, an organization which matches people who want to do volunteer work in their community with organizations who need volunteers. A perfect match! Eric directed and DP'd, Peter did the score and audio post, and Corey did the VO. Edit was by Eddie (Edit) Maldonado of Union Editorial. … [Read more...]
Corey & Peter have been flying under the radar in the "E-Learning" category ...until now. They've amassed a sizable catalog of e-learning programs, and will be rolling those out this year. This promo is for their client RW3, a cross cultural training company specializing in teaching American executives how to avoid cultural mis-steps when conducting international business. … [Read more...]
American Red Cross
Peter teamed up with noted film-meister Ashley (Innovator) Smith to produce this spot for the American Red Cross. Smith went to Breezy Point, Brooklyn in the immediate aftermath of hurricane Sandy to capture stunning footage of the immense destruction and the inspiring stories of neighbor-to-neighbor help. While there, he saw Red Cross volunteers working tirelessly to help alleviate some of the suffering. It was that which inspired him to bring his footage to forkandles where Peter … [Read more...]
American Red Cross
http://youtu.be/VHpGCBZZXOM Video Production Peter teamed up with noted film-meister Ashley (Innovator) Smith to produce this spot for the American Red Cross. Smith went to Breezy Point, Brooklyn in the immediate aftermath of hurricane Sandy to capture stunning footage of the immense destruction and the inspiring stories of neighbor-to-neighbor help. While there, he saw Red Cross volunteers working tirelessly to help alleviate some of the suffering. It was that which inspired him to … [Read more...]
Welcome Jay Galione!
The forkandles Media family warmly welcomes Jay Galione into our fold. Jay brings multiple talents to the table as DP, video editor, and musician. Check out his impressive bio on our "About Page" Go Jay! … [Read more...]
Who we are, and what we do
(click here) … [Read more...]
Hard core!
OMG, these dudes and dudess' (is there such a word?) are sofa-king hard core! Corey and Jay Gallione shot & edited another promo for the New York State Mt. Bike Series. Peter did the audio post work and the visual FX, and viola, we have another promo for the NYS Mt. Biking Series which runs throughout the summer. … [Read more...]
NYS Mt. Bike Series Promo
http://youtu.be/ZLkCAiADqW8?rel=0&autoplay=1 OMG, these dudes and dudess' (is there such a word?) are sofa-king hard core! Corey and Jay Gallione shot & edited another promo for the New York State Mt. Bike Series. Peter did the audio post work and the visual FX, and viola, we have another promo for the NYS Mt. Biking Series which runs throughout the summer. Director: Corey Carthew Videography & Edit: Jay Gallione Audio Post Mix & VFX: Peter Darmi … [Read more...]
Ho Ho Ho!
Just in time for the holiday season, Corey & Peter and DP Christopher Lawrence roll another one off the line with a video for RW-3′s online business education “WorkingWith” series, this time on the Gulf Arab States. A nice way to wind up the season. … [Read more...]